Do you worry about how safe you are in your home? Burglaries, home invasions, fires and natural disasters are common concerns for homeowners, but you don’t have to live in fear. Advances in technology have taken home security to a whole new level, creating systems capable of monitoring every nook and cranny of your house and sending alerts to the proper authorities when something is amiss. With a range of options available from many different companies, you can build a comprehensive network to secure your entire home.
Today many people consider it mandatory to have a good home security system. No matter where you live, there is always the risk of a break-in. A well-designed system can deter the vast majority of burglars, who would prefer to enter a house without any kind of security. To help you choose the best home security system for your needs, we have created this section featuring unbiased reviews of the Best-Selling Home Security Products.
Top Rated Home Security Products-1
- Diy Home Security Systems
- Peepholes and Door Viewers
- Door Alarms
- Window Alarms
- Door Locks & Deadbolts
- Locking Security Mailboxes
- Outdoor Security Lights
- Fireproof Home Safes
- Fire Blankets
- Fire Extinguishers
- Smoke Detectors
- Carbon Monoxide Detectors
- Fire Escape Ladders
- Smoke Escape Hood
- VIPERTEK VTS-989 Stun Gun
- VIPERTEK VTS-880 Stun Gun
- Guardline DA1000 Wireless Driveway Alarm
Statistics show how important it is to have a solid plan for keeping your home safe. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 3.7 million homes are broken into and 1.03 million homes are invaded each year. Most burglaries take place between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., and at least one resident is in the present during 1 million of these incidents. About 58 percent of burglaries and unlawful intrusions involve some kind of forced entry, and burglars make off with an average of $2,251 worth of property each time.
Even if you live in an area prone to these types of crimes, it’s not necessary to turn your house into a fortress to avoid becoming a victim. These 10 security essentials can give you and your family peace of mind whether you’re at home, out for the day or away on vacation.
The growing popularity of smart home devices is making the burglar alarm a thing of the past. Basic alarms do provide some protection and can deter potential intruders, but true security comes from having your entire home covered by a system with multiple components working together to monitor everything going on inside and out.
Both wired and wireless security systems are available. One advantage of a wireless setup is it can’t be disabled by severing physical connections. These systems also require less work to install, and you can often set them up on your own.
Whether you choose a hardwired security system or go with the wireless option, look for the most comprehensive system possible. Basic home security includes a control panel with a keypad or touch screen and a few sensors to protect the most vulnerable places in your home. To ensure the highest level of safety, add sensors to detect when windows or doors are opened, glass is broken or valuable belongings have been tampered with. Make sure the company providing your system offers 24/7 professional monitoring services to guarantee the proper authorities are notified the moment a sensor goes off.
A smart home system with both security and environmental alerts is the best option if you want to know everything going on in your home when you’re not there. You can access devices in these systems using an app on your smartphone no matter where you are and set up customized alerts to inform you of suspicious activity. Environmental sensors warn you of fires, floods or carbon monoxide leaks. Other features may include the ability to control lighting, view live streams from security cameras or set special alerts to monitor the safety of family members.
Modern home security systems can be customized to cover homes of any size and protect a range of valuable items. Look into DIY options to get started on your own, or get quotes from highly rated professional security companies to have someone help you design and set up the right system.
Almost 30 percent of burglars enter homes through unlocked windows or doors, so the most basic thing you can do to ensure the security of your windows is to keep them closed and locked. Upgrade your basic locks to something stronger and more visible, such as a deadbolt or pins, to show burglars you mean business.
The material you choose for your windows makes a big difference in security. Look for tempered glass to reinforce windows against breakage, or invest a bit more for safety glass. Also known as laminated glass, safety glass consists of two glass sheets with a vinyl layer between them. Since it can’t be broken with a single blow, your security system will alert you to the presence of a burglar long before the glass gives way. For those on a budget, easy to install security window film is another cost-effective option.
Plexiglass and polycarbonate are strong alternatives to regular glass. If you can afford the investment, polycarbonate is the most secure option. With 250 times the impact resistance of safety glass, polycarbonate windows are unlikely to be breached by the average burglar.
When setting up your home security system, be sure to include window sensors and alarms for additional protection. Alarms emit loud noises when windows are disturbed, startling burglars and letting you know someone is trying to break in. If someone attempts a home invasion when you’re out of the house, you’ll receive a signal on your mobile device. You’ll also be notified if you forget to close a window so that you never accidentally leave your home vulnerable.
In addition to these security measures, consider investing in heavy curtains or blinds to conceal the contents of your home from prying eyes.
Although burglars are often portrayed as sneaking around, looking for a stealthy way to enter a home, 34 percent actually come in through the front door. If this seems hard to believe, consider how little thought most homeowners put into the security of the door they use most. Many front doors have decorative windows with glass an intruder can easily break and simple lock mechanisms with no extra reinforcement.
If your front door or any other door in your home has these vulnerabilities, it’s time for an upgrade. Doors should be made of solid materials so that they can’t easily be kicked in. Strong wood is a common choice because it’s both sturdy and aesthetically pleasing, but reinforced steel security doors are the most secure option. Choose a door without a window, but look for one with a peephole to allow you to identify visitors when they arrive.
Deadbolt locks with an ANSI grade of one are the highest quality deadbolts you can buy and provide much more security than basic locks. Biometric locks take home safety up a notch by requiring a fingerprint before letting anyone enter the house. You can create a backup system with a lock designed to operate only from the inside and lock it whenever you’re at home.
Decorative sliding glass doors should be made of the strongest glass possible and secured with a dowel or bar placed in the track. Special safety bars are also available. If your home is older and has a door a burglar could easily take off of the track, invest in a metal pin to hold it in place.
Adding cameras to your security setup lets you monitor activity inside and outside of the house. Cameras can cover any area, so you’re not limited only to obvious places like the front door or back patio. If your budget allows, install cameras in as many areas as possible for complete coverage, and opt for smart models so that you can tap into the feed from your mobile device whenever you want.
Outdoor cameras must be weather-resistant and should have infrared or night vision features to capture clear images in the dark. Look for cameras capable of delivering high-resolution images so that you’ll have clear footage to show the authorities should an intruder enter your home. Cameras with wide-angle lenses and the ability to rotate on their mounts give you the most expansive views.
Adding indoor cameras lets you capture more than footage of burglars. Unfortunately, sometimes the people you trust to clean your home or perform repairs are less than honest, and without a camera, you may not know what they’re up to until long after they make off with your valuables. You can also use indoor cameras to check on your kids if they get home before you do or to monitor the house when you’re away on vacation. Choose multi-room or whole-house cameras for the best coverage.
Simply having cameras installed can make burglars think twice about targeting your home. If someone knows he or she could be caught on tape, your house immediately becomes a less attractive prospect.
Shadows are every intruder’s friend. Homes with limited outdoor lighting provide a lot of places to hide and make it much easier to slip inside undetected. However, being surprised by a floodlight fitted with a motion sensor is more than a little shocking and is likely to cause a burglar to panic and leave.
There are many other ways security lighting can be used to eliminate shadowy areas, including:
• Installing photocells designed to switch on when outdoor light levels are low
• Using landscape lighting to brighten up trees and shrubs
• Lining paths with decorative lamps
• Placing lights in entryways, over the garage, in the backyard and near the patio, pool or deck
When choosing your lights, make sure you get enough to cover the entire perimeter of the house. This not only serves to keep burglars away but also ensures you’re safe on days you come home after dark. Make sure all outdoor lighting can stand up to the most extreme weather conditions in your area.
For indoor lighting, consider investing in smart timers you can control with a mobile app. Standard timers create a predictable cycle of light, and observant burglars will quickly realize you’re not at home when the pattern doesn’t change from day to day. With smart timers, you can control exactly when lights turn on or off to mimic the regular activities of your family. The more you can make it look like you’re at home when you’re not, the safer the house will be.
Most homeowners purchase safes to protect important documents and valuable belongings from fires rather than theft. Both are important to consider when purchasing a safe for your home. The material must be flame-resistant and strong enough to endure an assault from a determined thief, meaning you have to look for two types of ratings.
Fire ratings communicate how long a safe can withstand certain temperature levels without becoming too hot inside. For example, a safe with a rating of “UL Class 350 1-hour” won’t exceed 350 degrees inside after one hour of being exposed to temperatures of 1,700 degrees. The rating you choose must be appropriate for what you plan to store inside, especially if some of your belongings are made from materials with the potential to be damaged in high heat.
TL ratings tell you how long a safe can be battered using common tools before it gives way. If a safe is rated TL-15, this means it will take a burglar at least 15 minutes to bust it open using force. The highest classification is TL-30×6, indicating a burglar would have to attack the safe for half an hour using everything from hand tools to drills before a breach could be made.
To keep burglars from breaking into your safe, choose an advanced lock mechanism with an electronic keypad or a fingerprint reader. Consider installing your safe in a wall or bolting it to the floor so that burglars frustrated with trying to break the lock don’t simply walk off with the whole thing.
Every room in your home should have a smoke alarm. Place these in easily accessible areas, and test them on a regular basis. Change the batteries once a year or whenever alarms fail to respond during testing. Alarms should be replaced every eight to 10 years or as indicated in the manufacturer’s instructions. When making smoke alarms part of your smart home system, look for models designed to contact the local fire department when a fire is detected so that help will be on the way even if you can’t get to a phone to call 911.
Alarms can be ionization models to detect flaming fires or photoelectric to sense smoking or smoldering. Fires can be as hot as 100 degrees at floor level and 600 degrees at eye level, and smoke can be the deadliest factor in a blaze. Because of this, dual-sensor alarms are the best option for keeping you and your family safe.
Create an escape plan to get the family out of the house quickly if a fire ever occurs. Practice it often, making sure everyone knows at least two routes out of every room and understands where you should meet once outside. Never install locks you or your kids can’t open quickly in an emergency, and make sure your kids know how to escape through doors and windows on their own should it ever be necessary.
Home Invasions
According to U.S. Legal, a home invasion is “an unauthorized and forceful entry into a dwelling.” More than half of home invaders use force to get inside, and all such intrusions involve the intention to commit a crime. Whether or not you’re at home when it happens, any instance in which someone goes into your house without your permission counts as a home invasion.
Criminals often gain entry into homes by pretending to be from legitimate companies or working with organizations collecting information or raising money. This is why you should never open the door for any unexpected visitors, even if they seem genuine. When you are expecting a professional to perform a service, always ask for ID before letting them in.
The best way to prevent a home invasion is to make all your security measures as visible as possible. When potential burglars see a house outfitted with imposing doors, strong locks and multiple cameras, they consider it to be a “hard target” and will look for an easier mark. Having a dog also acts as a deterrent, since dogs make a lot of noise and may be trained to attack when their owners are threatened.
If your home is ever invaded, you must have a quick way to contact the police. Keep your cell phone on hand at all times so that you can make an emergency call, or use the panic button on your security system. Some home security devices will automatically alert the police when a break-in occurs, and having a professionally monitored system ensures the proper authorities will arrive on the scene when you need them.
Knowing how to take a defensive position in the event of a home invasion is critical. Having self-defense skills means you can protect your house, your belongings and your family as well as yourself, and you’ll also be able to fend off potential attackers in other situations. U.S. citizens are legally allowed to use force to defend themselves from attackers, so you should never hesitate to do what’s necessary to prevent someone from harming you or other members of your household.
Some of the best methods for self-defense include:
• Getting and staying in good physical shape
• Taking self-defense or martial arts classes
• Carrying pepper spray wherever you go
• Carrying a tactical flashlight
• Keeping a club or baseball bat close at hand in your home
• Learning how to use a weapon, such as a tactical knife, stun gun or firearm
If you’re not comfortable with potentially lethal weapons, other options are available. Bean bag guns, for example, shoot bean bags at high speed to surprise and knock the wind out of home invaders without inflicting serious damage. Always check local laws and ordinances regulating weapons and obtain the appropriate permits for any defensive items you purchase.
Disaster preparedness is just as much a part of home security as the measures you take to prevent burglaries. You never know when a fire or wildfire may flare up, and severe weather like tornados, hurricanes or winter storms can plunge you into an emergency situation you didn’t expect.
Instead of panicking in these situations, you can respond with a level head if you make plans in advance. Understand the types of disasters you’re at risk for in your area at different times of year, and look at resources such as for detailed help in putting together emergency kits and other essentials. Basic emergency kits should include:
• First aid items
• Food and water
• Reliable light sources
• Blankets
• Extra clothing
• Money
• Copies of important papers
• Essential medications
• A multi-tool
• Work gloves
• A fire escape ladder
• Duct tape
• Nylon rope
• Baby wipes
Add emergency numbers to your cell phone, and always have a way to charge your devices even when the power is out. Outfitting your home with an automatic generator gives you a backup source of power on which you can rely, but it’s also a good idea to have a solar-powered charger tucked into your emergency kit to ensure you’re never without a connection to the outside world.
When you have a comprehensive plan for home security, you don’t have to worry about burglaries, home invaders or disasters. A strong security system and a plan to prepare you for emergency situations allows you to rest in the assurance of knowing your home is protected and you’re ready for any situation.
Putting all ten elements together takes work, but if you approach your security planning one step at a time, you’ll have everything in place before you know it. Determine the equipment you need, research home security companies and get assessments for the type of system best suited for your home. Get your family on board with disaster planning, and look for self-defense courses in your area. Remember to check your system and review your plans regularly to stay sharp and ensure you’re always protected.
Home security is a worthy investment for your safety and peace of mind. Choose your setup wisely to create a secure haven where you and your family can live free from fear and worry.
Choosing An Alarm Monitoring Company
Protecting your property and your valuables, not to mention keeping your home’s inhabitants safe, often requires the use of a home security system. Statistics show that homes with alarm systems are three times less likely to face break-ins than unsecured homes. Furthermore, a reliable alarm monitoring company that features the latest technology will allow you peace of mind. You can be confident that your property and loved ones are safe, whether you’re at home or away.
The most common benefits of installing a residential alarm system include:
Protecting yourself and your family. In case of an emergency, your security system will alert the fire and police departments immediately. Often, the mere existence of a yard or window sign indicating that a home is protected by an alarm is enough to deter most criminals.
Monitoring the house while you’re away. If you have a caretaker for your children, elderly relative, or otherwise dependent family members, or if there are other people working in your home, they can easily be monitored when you’re not there. You’ll also feel confident leaving your house vacant if you’re away from home for an extended period.
Protecting your valuables inside the home. From media equipment to family heirlooms, most people keep their valued possessions inside their houses.
Securing outdoor items, such as vehicles and other property. A home security system that monitors your yard or the perimeter of your property can help you avoid potential trespassers and thieves.
An added benefit is that having residential alarms can help maintain neighborhood property values, thanks to a shared feeling of security among the neighbors.
When shopping around for your security system, you’ll also want to choose the best alarm monitoring company, a centralized agency that oversees the functioning of home security systems. In many places, an alarm monitoring company is also known as a central station. While a number of companies install and monitor their own alarm systems, in many cases the monitoring services are outsourced to a third party.
To choose the best alarm monitoring company, you could request information from the alarm service itself, noting certain desirable characteristics. For example, look for a company that 1) is certified and licensed, 2) has backup centers, and 3) demonstrates good customer service.
Is the alarm monitoring company certified by Underwriters Laboratories?
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is an independent U.S.-based agency that inspects and certifies various products and services, including alarm-monitoring companies. Upon certification, a company must comply with UL standards to maintain its license, and then the company is subject to annual audits. Once products are UL-certified, they can (and must) bear its mark of identification. In addition to inspections and certifications, UL also provides support services, such as “onsite consultations and education,” to local authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs), alarm contractors, and insurance companies.
Do they have redundant (back up) monitoring centers?
Power outages and technical problems can cause widespread failures or glitches in your individual alarm system. You’ll want to know whether the alarm monitoring company can deal with issues affecting the system and its individual components, such as cameras, motion detectors, computers, and lighting devices.
According to security experts, there are three methods of redundant monitoring: multiple servers, multiple central stations, and multiple types of signals. When choosing a monitoring company, determine which of these redundant methods it utilizes. Some use two, or even all three, levels for maximum efficacy.
Do they offer a cellular backup alarm?
In most cases, a cellular backup dialer is an optional component connected to the alarm system. As people increasingly rely on cell phones as their main phones, however, alarm-monitoring companies tend to use cellular devices as the primary measure in homes with no landline.
How is the company’s customer service department?
Are they available 24 hours a day? Can they provide information about other services that might benefit you, such as medical alert devices? Can they explain any additional costs or fees that you might encounter?
There are many businesses offering security services for your home. Be sure that your alarm monitoring company meets your needs by asking the above questions and getting recommendations from trustworthy sources.
Pinnacle Security
Pinnacle Security – Your home is the one place you always want to feel safe and protected. Your home is like a welcoming oasis that provides shelter from the often harsh realities of the outside world, so you want to be sure it is always secure. If you want to be confident in the fact that your family and possessions are always safe and secure in your home even when you are not there, you might want to consider getting a home security system from Pinnacle Security.
Pinnacle Security uses the latest in technology to protect your home, your family and your possessions from the possibility of theft. Not only that, but a home security system from Pinnacle Security can also protect you and your family in the event of a medical emergency or fire. With a home security from Pinnacle Security, your home and the people who live inside it will always be protected from the possibility of harm.
At Pinnacle Security, they guard each home they protect with three lines of defense. The first line of defense involves sticking stickers on the home’s windows and signs in the yard that warm criminals that the house is protected by Pinnacle Security. If this does not ward off criminals, the second line of defense might. Pinnacle Security’s second line of defense involves sensors on the windows and doors of a home. These sensors can detect an intruder and signal for help before the criminal has a chance to gain access to the house.
Finally, there is the third line of defense which is the sound of an alarm going off. If a criminal sets off the alarm, it will most certainly deter this person from breaking into your home. Before long, the authorities will arrive to make certain that your home and family are safe. With Pinnacle Security’s three lines of defense, your home will be completely protected from unscrupulous criminals.
With a Pinnacle Security system, you can rest easy knowing that your home is protected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from crime. Not only that, but this high tech security system can protect against fire, carbon monoxide poisoning and it can even help in a medical emergency. When your home is protected by Pinnacle Security, it is truly protected in every way. Even better, it is super affordable so that anyone can have the peace of mind that comes from knowing their home, family and possessions are protected from the possibility of harm.
For the past ten years, Pinnacle Security has been constantly improving on their home security methods so to bring you the latest in high tech home security systems that can protect your home and family from more than just the threat of burglary.
If you want to keep your home, your family and your possessions safe from harm 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at a price almost anyone can afford, you might want to consider having a home security system installed by Pinnacle Security. Pinnacle Security is in the business of providing home owners with the home security they need to be safe and secure anytime day or night. Pinnacle Security use the latest in home security technology to ward off the threat of criminal activity while providing protection in the event of a fire or medical emergency.
When your home is protected by Pinnacle Security, it is truly protected from harm. If you want to ensure the safety of your family and all of your possessions, contact Pinnacle Security and speak with one of their friendly customer service representatives about having a home security system installed in your home.
ADT Home Security
ADT Home Security – Home security is important to any family and ADT is one of the largest and most well known home security companies in the United States and Canada. ADT was originally founded as a telegraph company. In 1890 the invention of the call box allowed customers to send specific signals to a central location requesting emergency assistance. Instead of going out of business as so many companies have done when technology renders its products obsolete, ADT embraced this technology to become one of the first home security companies of its kind.
In the nearly 140 years since its beginning, ADT has stayed on the cutting edge of new technology to provide its customers with the most up to date protection options possible. Today, ADT is the largest and most well known home security company in the United States and Canada.
More than six million residential customers have peace of mind knowing that ADT provides round the clock monitoring. In the case of break in, fire, carbon monoxide, flood and even significant temperature drops, ADT notifies you as well as calling for assistance. ADT’s panic button allows customers to call for help in any situation. Elderly and disabled customers know that with ADT medical alert system, help is only a call away. With the personal alert button and two-way intercom system, there is no need to be near the phone.
Business customers trust ADT to provide a range of business security solutions including not only alarm monitoring, but also video surveillance, electronic access, intercom systems and digital recording and storage. Business owners can even control lighting, temperature and other systems remotely. Half of the nation’s top 50 banks and 80% of the top 45 retailers rely on ADT to protect their businesses.
In addition to protection, ADT offers remote monitoring options allowing both residential and business customers to monitor and control their homes from anywhere. Customers can not only monitor their homes with video surveillance, but can also remotely lock and unlock doors, arm and disarm alarms, and control lighting and temperature, all with the use of an interactive touch screen. Business owners can Office equipment such as printers and coffee makers can even be controlled while away. Someone left the coffee pot on? Left a space heater running? Business owner can log in to check and turn it off, no problem.
ADT is certified by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s SAFETY Act for electronic security services. ADT’s electronic security services also qualify under Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology (QATT) and can be found on the “Approved Products List for Homeland Security.”
Providing both residential and business customers with security, protection, monitoring and remote control options, ADT is not just a home security company. Call today to schedule a free in home consultation and security evaluation to find out how ADT can help protect your home or business. With 180 sales and service offices nationwide, there’s bound to be one near you. Or visit the website’s online security adviser. Either way, you will rest easier knowing your family and your business are protected.
LifeShield Security
LifeShield Security – This article is a review of LifeShield Security. It describes the history, policies, products, and services of this home security company.
LifeShield Security is based in Yardley, Pennsylvania. The company was founded in 2002 by technology innovator Lewis Stilp. He wanted an alternative to the expensive, hard-wired security systems then available. He designed a wireless system that would be less expensive, easy to set up, and difficult to defeat. The company has continued to improve its home security system.
LifeShield Security provides a quality home monitoring service at a significantly lower cost than most other home security companies do. This firm is able to do this because it designs its own monitoring equipment. Thus, homeowners can save money by buying the monitoring equipment directly from the manufacturer. This company protects over 1 million customers and serves all 50 states.
Pros and cons
LifeShield Security provides free equipment and does not charge an activation fee. Users pay a monthly fee that provides a 24/7 monitoring service. The company’s equipment is wireless and does not require holes in doors and windows during installation. Users can install the system themselves in less than an hour. If desired, users can get professional installation from an outside company, such as Protection 1.
This company’s home monitoring service charges less than what most other home security companies charge. The company constantly updates its wireless monitoring equipment to stay on the cutting edge of technology. The company is able to provide customers with superior support because it is intimately familiar with its own equipment and services.
LifeShield Security provides a free app on your cell phone to control your security system. The company also provides online information and support to help customers set up and troubleshoot their home security system.
There is a drawback to manufacturing your own home security devices. This company’s monitoring equipment does not include all the devices offered by other home security companies. Most of the other home security companies purchase their monitoring equipment from large manufacturers. Thus, these other companies are able to offer a wider range of security devices, such as intercom systems, recessed door sensors, garage door sensors, and home automation devices. LifeShield Security only offers a one-year warranty on its equipment.
Products and services
The company’s products use either the Internet or cellular communications. Since users receive the company’s products free, the various packages are priced based on the monthly monitoring fee. These products are assembled into various packages as appropriate for different types of users.
LifeView is a visual monitoring product that provides users access to the video cameras installed in their homes. This access can be provided via the Internet to your computer or by mobile apps for iPhone, Android, and Black Berry devices.
The Home Essential Kit – Value Package is the least expensive security package. This package provides all the basic items needed to protect an average home. It includes free monitoring for fire, carbon monoxide, life safety, and environmental hazards.
The Home Essential Kit – Platinum Package is the most comprehensive security package. This package includes a wireless camera and advanced video monitoring. Users have access to the LifeView service from anywhere in the world.
The Business Package is ideal for small businesses. The basic package is known as the Gold Package. The advanced package, the Platinum Package, provides video options.
A Renter Package is also available from LifeShield Security. Since these wireless security devices do not require any drilling or hard wiring, they usually will not violate any rental agreements or landlord restrictions.
The future
As noted in the above pros and cons topic, the LifeShield Security system has a few drawbacks. However, its low-cost and advanced technology holds promise for a bright future.
SafeMart Home Security
SafeMart Home Security – On the news every evening, there are reports of burglaries, home invasions, floods, fires, and families dying in carbon monoxide-filled homes. A lot of homeowners and business owners have considered installing security systems to protect themselves, their families, and their possessions. The market is flooded with companies trying to sell their security systems.
Even cable and satellite television providers are offering in-home monitoring systems as part of their bundle packages now. Whether the systems they are selling are marketed for the elderly who can summon help at the push of a button or worried parents who can monitor their children via video while sitting at their desk at work, security has become a growing business.
They all claim to be experts in their fields and promise low prices with excellent customer service twenty-four hours a day. SafeMart has an award winning customer service staff that is professional, friendly, and thoroughly trained to solve any problem that comes their way.
Security systems are not a one-size-fits-all purchase. A business is not going to need the same security system as a home. The business needs an alarm to signal that an intruder is present and fire monitoring which will notify the fire department and the owner should a fire start when the business is empty. A home, on the other hand, may need alarms that signal when an intruder is within a certain distance of the home and have alarms on all the windows and doors.
Parents may want to monitor their children home alone after school to make sure all the rules are being followed and also to assure they are safe. A carbon monoxide detector is recommended for every home, however, a carbon monoxide detector that will call or text the home owners and emergency services is a must-have for every home and business. Other security companies offer in home monitoring and notification services in a one-size-fits-all package. SafeMart allows their customers to choose only the equipment and services they really need. Nothing to large or too small because there is always an online monitoring advisor ready to assist customers so they get the perfect fit.
SafeMart was founded thirty years ago by a young paramedic with a vision for the future. Chris Johnson worked with EMS for ten years before he decided to find a way to protect people’s homes and safety through alarm systems and twenty-four hour a day monitoring. That vision has come to fruition and what began as a small business in St. Mary, Kansas has grown into one of the top security companies in the United States. SafeMart now protects and monitors over 100,000 homes and businesses nationwide. Their list of customers now includes the U.S. State Department and the Department of Justice. You cannot get a better reference than that and SafeMart is still considered young after thirty years in the home security marketplace.
SafeMart stands apart from other security companies in that they do not install their own equipment. The customer shops online at SafeMart for the products they need for their home or business. There is always a Monitoring Export online to help find the items needed. SafeMark offers products manufactured by the leaders of home security such as Honneywell, GE, and Sony. Once purchased, SafeMart will program the system to the customer’s specifications and FedEx the order directly to the customer who then installs the system according to the step by step instructions included. The systems are simple to install so no one needs to feel intimidated by the lack of a contractor coming into the home to hook up the system. Even those with no technical knowledge or experience should have no problems with the installation process. Should there be a problem, however, they have twenty-four hour customer support for any questions the customer has at any time. Their award winning support staff is friendly, respectful, confident, and well trained for any technical problem the customer may have. The staff is there for the customer and is always ready to help no matter what time it is or what the problem is.
Why choose SafeMart over the other home security companies? SafeMart guarantees their service is the best priced in the market and will match a lower price if anyone can find one. Their services exceed those of the many competitors roaming today’s security market. SafeMart has thousands of security options that range from the basic wired alarm system that will signal when an intruder is present and will automatically notify emergency services in case of a break-in or fire. Plus, the alarms and lights can be controlled from anywhere in the world via cell phone and PC. SafeMart is the only alarm company that offers their customers LiveWatch; which allows access and control of the home from anywhere in the world.
With LiveWatch, the home becomes automated and the customer controls the thermostat, lights, and locks from anywhere. The LiveWatch system even signals the owner when a medicine cabinet or liquor cabinet door is opened. The system protects your home, children, and treasures even from the other side of the world. The LiveWatch system also lets the owner control video cameras inside and outside and can stream live video to the iPhone, Android phone, and PC. SafeMart’s LiveWatch is the most innovative interactive home security system on the market today. It puts full control of the system in the customer’s hand while still allowing SafeMart’s trained staff of professionals to do their job and keep an eye on what is important to the customer as well.
SafeMart offers wholly customizable packages that will meet the needs of anyone looking for home or business security and monitoring. With an inventory of over 1,000 products and an online monitoring advisor who will help to find only what you need without pressure to buy it all, SafeMart has earned its place in the top ten best security companies in the United States.
Monitronics Alarm Monitoring
Monitronics Alarm Monitoring – Monitronics has raised the bar within the security industry as one of the largest home security companies in the United States. Recently recognized by Frost & Sullivan, Monitronics was named Alarm Provider of the Year for 2008 and 2010!
Monotronics’ History
Monitronics International has shown responsibility to their local community since its launch in 1994 as one of the country’s fastest-growing home security alarm monitoring companies. They provide commercial and residential services through its network of independent authorized dealers across the country to more than 800,000 consumers; utilizing innovative monitoring technology and alarm equipment from the nation’s top manufacturers, Honeywell and GE.
Monitronics Offers Reliable Home Security
Headquartered in Dallas, Montronics prides itself on delivering uninterrupted, reliable security monitoring services. The company has invested millions to consistently exceed their consumer’s expectations as well as meet all Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and UL standards. Their Central Station serves as the nucleus of their operations.
All of Monotronics’ operators at the Central Station are certified and graded regularly on performance. They are trained to be highly proficient at assisting their clients’ with instructions on how to use their alarm systems as well as taking the appropriate actions during a fire or medical emergency or burglary.
Awarded by the CSAA, Monitronics has been given the industry’s highest recognition for monitoring station excellence – Five Diamond Certification. Very few central stations in the U.S. have the prestige of reaching Five Diamond Certified status- less than 2%! This, in itself, speaks for the company’s dedication when providing alarm system monitoring.
Pros of Using Monotronics Alarm Monitoring
Monotronics breaks its alarm monitoring systems into categories: seniors, single parents and families. Each category slightly varies with its home security monitoring and the combination of security devices utilized to provide protection from medical and fire emergencies as well as burglary. These combinations are only model layouts of what a client may want for their monitoring system. Once assigned to a specific category, they have the flexibility to personalize their home security needs. There are many perks that come from joining the Monotronics family:
Less than 23 seconds response time on average
Lifetime service guarantee
Offers a 97% first-time resolution with service calls
Free basic alarm system and installation in your new home
Considerable savings on homeowner’s insurance
Uninterrupted security monitoring services
Access to the largest two-way voice program in the country
Open/close services
UL fire monitoring
Environmental sensors
When customers agree to keep their service and renew their contract for its original term, they’ll receive:
Valued at over $500, the new 3-1-1 system (includes keyfob, one keypad three door/window sensors plus one motion sensor)
Receive 25% off all upgrades
The monthly rate will remain the same
Interactive access and home automation (additional monthly charge)
Two-Way Interactive Voice Verification
Monitronics leads the security industry in two-way, interactive audio voice verification. This essential service is somewhat unique in the world of modern alarm system technology; since many of Monotronics competitors don’t offer it. The system doesn’t operate unless it is initiated or accidentally triggered.
Interactive monitoring allows clients to change and check the status of their system while away from home via, a service also offered by Monotronics that gives clients remote access control over their home’s thermostat, locks, lighting, etc.
You would think that a company that uses the most advanced central station receiver in the world – the MLR 2000 Virtual Receiver, would offer all of the devices typically found through their competitors; however, since their authorized dealers have different equipment, equipment availability will vary.
Surprisingly, Monotronics does not publish rates for monitoring or installation or give information about the availability of a service plan. Potential customers may also find it a bit frustrating trying to find information about the availability of a service plan before signing up for new service. Monitronics’ website will only redirect a customer to a sales specialist via customer service number, and Monitronics’ corporate office only provides customer support by phone.
In addition, there is no way to request a service call from the Monitronics’ website. When purchasing a Monitronics system, customers will need to contact their local dealer directly to receive assistance using their system, for their account services or to schedule repairs. Also, customers could suffer transmission issues if they opt to ditch their traditional phone line to utilize new VoIP technologies. As of yet, VoIP technology does not have a uniform set of standards.
Products and Services They Offer
Problems caused by burglary tampering, weather conditions, construction, vandalism and other scenarios can disable your telephone line; the standard route used to connect your home alarm system to a monitoring center. In response to these scenarios, Monotronics has offered two alternatives to the traditional landline-based security system: broadband / VOIP security systems and cell phone based security systems.
Cell Phone Home Security Alarm Monitoring
When traditional phone lines and VoIP connection are not available, wireless security systems communications are still possible using a cell unit as the primary connection to Monitronics. They are typically made using Monitronics’ cellular systems and components. as either a backup or primary security with wireless signals sent to their panel.
Overall, Monitronics provides excellent round-the-clock customer service. Authorized dealers of Monotronics can help customers with concerns as to how to move existing equipment into a new home, switching phone service, referrals, tips on how to care for their alarm system when they’re remodeling, obtaining an alarm permit and more!
Unfortunately, authorized dealers set their own prices and policies. A customer in one city may receive a better deal when purchasing a Monitronics system then another customer purchasing it in a different city. Compared to their higher-rated rivals, Monotronics doesn’t provide direct access to customer service or provide information about repair service plans. Therefore, potential customers should check with their local dealer to ensure they have all of the devices they want and read all of the details of Monotronics’ services before signing up.
Protect America Home Security
Protect America Home Security – Protect America Home Security is a company that was formed in 2001. This security company is based on Round Rock, Texas. This company is famous for providing wireless home security systems that can be installed without the assistance of a home security technician. In addition, this company provides business security systems and home security systems in all 50 states of the United States of America. In fact, Protect America Home Security has almost half of one million different customers nationwide.
This home security company provides services that include cellular monitoring, broadband monitoring and phone line monitoring. In addition, Protect America Home Security offers GE wireless alarm systems.
Protect America Home Security Equipment
Protect America Home Security offers customers wireless alarm equipment. In addition, the GE Simon XT control panel is used. The GE Simon XT control panel is designed to handle 40 different GE alarm sensors at the same time. In addition, this control panel can work with X10 home automation devices. Protect America is a home security company that offers quite a few different types of sensors that men and women can add to their package as well. For example, these sensors include garage door sensors, carbon monoxide detectors, freeze sensors, smoke and heat detectors, flood and water sensors, broken glass detectors, door and window motion detectors and even recessed door sensors. However, these are not the only features that customers can take advantage of when they get an alarm system from Protect America. For example, a wireless secret TouchPad is available. Protect America also offers a TouchScreen keypad, an additional TouchPad keypad, a panic pendant and even keychain remotes.
Protect America Home Security also offers a video camera that can pan and tilt. This camera allows men and women to view their home through their smartphone or by going online. However, such a camera requires the customer to have a high-speed internet connection. This home security company also offers three different home automation devices. Home automation devices give men and women the chance to control various house appliances and even the lights in the home.
Monitoring Options Available from Protect America
Protect America Home Security offers a few different monitoring options with flexible prices that most men and women are able to afford. Available monitoring options from this home security company include cellular monitoring, broadband monitoring and phone line monitoring.
The phone line monitoring option is the most affordable monitoring option from Protect America Home Security. The affordable monthly prices are designed to help customers obtain alarm monitoring services without breaking the bank. In addition, phone line monitoring is the perfect option for men and women who do not have a high-speed connection or have bad cell phone service. Those who obtain the phone line monitoring option from Protect America Home Security can add two-way voice features for a little more money. Phone line monitoring costs around $30.00 a month.
Protect America Home Security calls their broadband monitoring option HomePulse. One of the best things about this option is the fact that it only takes two seconds to send the signal to the monitoring station once the alarm goes off. In addition, this broadband monitoring system features full interactive monitoring with remote access and even online access. The Protect America HomePulse broadband monitoring system does not require a phone line to operate. The monthly price is around $37.00.
The Protect America Home Security company also offers cellular monitoring. This type of monitoring system provides one of the most reliable and safest monitoring methods available. In addition, cellular monitoring does not require an internet connection or phone line in order to operate. Interactive features are available through remote access and online access. In addition, the cellular monitoring system comes with a smartphone application at no cost. This type of monitoring system from Protect America costs around $40.00 a month.
Protect America Home Security Upfront Costs
One of the best things about this home security company is the fact that there are little to no upfront costs when customers want to purchase a home security system. In fact, most systems do not require an upfront cost. Protect America Home Security offers five different equipment packages for customers.
The Protect America copper package provides customers with one motion detector and three door and window sensors.
The Protect America bronze package provides customers with one motion detector and seven door or window sensors.
The Protect America silver package offers one motion detector and ten door and window sensors.
The Protect America gold package provides customers with one motion detector and 12 door and window sensors.
The Protect America platinum package provides customers with one motion detector and 15 door and window sensors.
Protect America Home Security Customer Service
This home security company’s history and background in customer service shows that there are quite a few different customers who have not been able to obtain the customer service that they need after purchasing security systems from Protect America. However, although the past reputation of this company is not the best in the world, it is apparent that Protect America has worked hard in order to make the changes required to provide the best available customer service for customers. In fact, Consumer Digest ranked Protect America Home Security as number one in customer service in this industry. Protect America provides phone support and even online support. In addition, there are many different types of information available on the Protect America website for customers.
Protect America Alarm System Installation
Protect America offers an alarm system for customers that can easily be installed alone. However, any customers who have a hard time with the installation can find online resources that are designed to help. This includes a PDF installation guide and even a tutorial video. In addition, this company provides support technicians with the ability to walk customers through the installation. Most men and women are able to finish Protect America alarm system installation in under an hour. In order to activate the alarm system, customers must call the company after installation.
Protection 1 Security
Protection 1 Security Review – Protection 1’s security is a mixed bag. The security service is overstuffed with options, but still includes essential security innovations like wireless compatibility and even identity theft protection services included in their LifeLock package. Although many consumers would be inclined to favor a security service with too many options rather than too few, it’s important to necessitate the options as useful due to the increase in price they tend to bring alongside them.
Protection 1 is quickly establishing itself in the security market. Today it is widely considered one of the top considers nationwide, and offers an assortment of services including installation services behind its home security systems. The flexibility that its installation branch has given the company is a bug plus in the consumer benefits column, as it has allowed Protection 1 to expand its security provisions to offer wireless monitors that can connect through either broadband connections or the local cellular line, in addition to still retaining an ‘old fashioned’ land line service for those customers who request it. They offer in-house maintenance as well for their ever-increasing variety of services, including single-family services, multifamily services and business services.
However, Protection 1 is not the most transparent security company out there – perhaps for good reason. Although an amount of opaqueness certainly ‘comes with the territory’ for a security company, Protection 1 offers a scant amount of information on any widely available websites or FAQ sections. Further inquiries are encouraged to contact Protection 1 directly, which is something of a hassle in this day and age of easily accessibly industry info.
But the information that is readily available on Protection 1 certainly seems to live up to the industry standards – at first. Protection 1 offers a comprehensive warranty plan for their services, although it turns out that the plan is not quite as comprehensive as any advertisements may like you to think. While in fact the warranty helps customers should their devices return any errors or malfunctions within the warranty period, the warranty only gives customers a discount, and does not promise that their devices will be replaced or repaired without fees. This, unfortunately, is below industry standards for security services, and should be taken into consideration before purchase. Many competing companies offer much more comprehensive lifetime warranties.
The good news on this front is that Protection 1 has a terrific customer service. The company actually ended up doing away with an automated phone attendant after customer complaints and company revaluation, and generally promotes a ‘same-day’ service and reply for any technical or personal problems related to their services. Protection 1 also boasts a ‘Tech Tracker’ feature that puts the responsibility of their technicians under the scrutiny of their customers by allowing customers to track the progress of their technician’s arrival on the scene. This is a commendable innovation between companies and their customers, as the scheduled dates for repairs are too often out of the customer’s ability to time or control, leaving customers at the beckon and call of their technician when their technician should be at their beckon and call instead. Customer service is one of the areas in which Protection 1 comes out with flying colors, although their warranty limitations remain a slight blemish. Accordingly, their customer service is hampered only by the limitations of their own disclosures and warranties.
This service is especially impressive when taking into consideration that Protection 1 is currently the largest provider of monitoring services in the nation, and leads in the market of multifamily security systems. The fact that this surge in business has not dented their commitment to customer service is a point for Protection 1, and has earned than a 1+ rating at the Better Business Bureau, in addition to exemplary customer service ratings on available feedback sites.
The company itself has been in the industry for over a decade, and keeps its securities and personal information safe behind tripe-redundant stations. Protection 1 even houses a disaster recovery center. They provide 24 hour monitoring, cellular and internet monitoring, online account access, 2 way intercoms and available upgrades to include interactive monitoring. Like competitor ADT, their equipment is manufactured by Honeywell. Their services offer serviceable smoke monitors, heat sensors, sensors for both the windows and doors, glass break sensors, security cameras, carbon monoxide detectors, flood protection, motion sensors, freeze sensors, and still more features.
It’s recommended that customers take a frank and realistic look at their security needs before being swayed by Protection 1’s various bells and whistles, as each ‘bell and whistle’ comes with a price tag, adding to the total cost of the security system. Security is serious business, and should be approached for the essentials of the service, rather than the ‘coolness’ or style of the service. Protection 1 advertises customizable service, so feel free to contact a Protection 1 consultant in order to get a free evaluation and a realistic quoted price point. In addition to the aforementioned laundry list of security features, Protection 1 also offers life and fire safety sensors, and comparability with ‘mobile’ security monitoring which interfaces with your cell phone or mobile device.
Protection 1 is therefore a mixed bag of customization. The company certainly advertises this customization as a plus and a benefit, but inexperienced customers may be more lost in the sea of options than they are comforted by it. Many competing security services have fixes prices and steady, reliable services with thorough FAQ sections that can give customers a good idea of their service without the need for calling the company and speaking at length with a representative or consultant. Some businesses trend towards customization, but others recognize that many of their customers are going to need a surer and more steadfast hand in order to introduce them to the industry without the hassle of extensive research, inquiry and consulting.
Despite all of this, Protection 1 remains a good value for such an all-inclusive service. But proceed carefully, clearly and cautiously before committing to an extensively and elaborately optioned service that does more than you need it to. Part of the ‘security’ in security systems comes from the simplicity of the service, for a gaggle of options can cause a user misunderstanding at the worst of times. But if customers are ‘game’ for calling Protection 1 themselves and then holding their own against a consultant for the company, and don’t plan on utilizing the warranty for anything but a reduced price, Protection 1 may be the right choice. Their customer service is a glowing recommendation.
FrontPoint Security
FrontPoint Security Review – Founded in 2007, FrontPoint security has quickly developed into one of the most promising and competent security systems on the market. However, FrontPoint is one of the newer security systems in the field, and that newness demands a certain amount of preliminary ‘catch up’ to inform the uninitiated consumer of what is quite possibly the best security deal available today.
Despite being no more than six years old, FrontPoint earned their security credentials by paying close attention to the advancements in the market and then debuting their own security system with features that exploit the best practices in the modern business while doing away with the least popular downfalls of other companies in the industry. By the time FrontPoint premiered on the market, the modern standard of the home security system had already been set, allowing FrontPoint to imitate the successes while finding ways to innovate in some key areas of failure that had been revealed in competing security services.
FrontPoint offers consumers three different services with easy to understand functions and features: Protection Monitoring, Interactive Monitoring, and Ultimate Monitoring. The scope of their functions includes an even longer list of security services: motion sensors, flood and water sensors, glass break detectors, recessed door sensors, smoke and heat detectors, freeze sensors, panic pendants, keychain remotes to access the security system remotely, TouchPad and TouchScreen compatibility, carbon monoxide detectors, and even garage door sensors. Their security devices utilize camera technology, garage door overheads and loud sirens for homeowners with hearing impairments.
Interactive Monitoring, their most popular service, and has been polished to mainstream perfection and costs marginally more than their standard service. Like all of FrontPoint’s services, Interactive Monitoring provides 24/7 monitoring and redundancy safeguards that utilize broadband service, cell phone lines and even land lines in case of system error. Interactive Monitoring also provides burglar and intrusion monitoring additions. The ability to access the security system remotely, from a location other than the home in which it is installed, is another industry standard FrontPoint has pulled off remarkable well. The less impressive security service companies have compatibility issues with their remote access functions depending on the plan chosen by consumers, but all of FrontPoint’s plans work well with their remote functions and have glowing customer reviews. That’s a big plus.
Customization has become both a boon and a bane on the security industry, and FrontPoint fairs about as well as the competition in this respect. The customizability of security services can be a helpful tool for homeowners to personalize their security to suit their needs, concern and square footage, but too much customization runs the risk of confusing those homeowners without extensive knowledge of modern security protocols. This may result in homeowners paying for more services than they actually require, which is where the ‘bane’ of it all comes into play. Luckily, FrontPoint has some fairly basic upgrades with easy-to-understand functions and set price points to better help consumers calculate the cost.
FrontPoint offers customers the ability to upgrade their security system in order to receive ‘instant alerts’ on their email or mobile device, which is helpful for homeowners who would rather be notified through text as opposed to the standard phone call. Instant alerts can so ‘alert’ homeowners when their spouse comes home, lets the dog out of the house, or when a relative is opening the garage door to park their car. This primarily benefits homeowners who want to be updated on the various ‘going ons’ inside of their house, but may bother the casual homeowner who receives too much unnecessary information.
FrontPoint also offers customers the option of upgrading their security system to allow interfacing with mobile devices that will allow homeowners to manipulate a certain set of appliances within their house remotely. Home automation lighting gives forgetful homeowners the chance to switch off the lights while they are stuck in traffic for work, or shut down compatible appliances like a television set or small cooking device. This upgrade is offered through a mobile app suited for a variety of smartphones, including Android, BlackBerry and the iPhone. In addition to turning off the lights remotely, the home automation lighting upgrade allows homeowners to actually set designated times in which their lights and small appliances should turn on or off.
The last FrontPoint feature worth noting is a deceptively simple innovation in home security. Most security systems are automated with a certain amount of lag time after the alarm gets triggered. This ‘lag’ is an intentional grace period to allow homeowners to disarm their security system on those occasions in which it is accidentally tripped by the homeowners themselves (or an oblivious relative). FrontPoint’s Crash and Smash feature allows homeowners to remove that lag, and immediately send out the appropriate signals to the authorities. This is a useful feature depending on a homeowner’s personal comfort level, as burglars have been known to exploit the lag in security systems to steal whatever object they intend to steal and then bolt before the system can notify authorities.
But there is one aspect of FrontPoint that has been conspicuously absent from this article, and it’s equally one of the most important. At the end of the day, most leading security systems meet industry standards and produce a level of competent devices and functionality. What truly separates the top security systems from one another comes from their customer service, and FrontPoint is no slouch in that area either. Unlike some of its competitors, FrontPoint is as transparent as professionally possible with their security system, seeking to educate their consumers on what they need from a security system before they even put down the money and make their purchase. FrontPoint offers educational videos, eBooks and manuals, and provides customers with accessible phone numbers, live chats, and email addresses they can contact for further inquiries.
Make no mistake: FrontPoint is one of the best security systems on the market today. However, they aren’t perfect. They are a relatively new company, and some homeowners might prefer to work with reputable competitors with a longer history in the field. FrontPoint also offers an industry standard warranty that is perfectly acceptable, but absolutely unremarkable. Their so-called ‘lifetime’ warranty covers the equipment and service for only two years, which is below the higher standards set by other security leaders.
Despite these drawbacks, FrontPoint is a highly recommended security system. They have an easy and modern interface system, a good variety of devices which can be installed into your home, and a carefully designed security system that debuted with uncommon polish. The general consensus among security enthusiasts holds FrontPoint high as one of the best security systems on the market today, and thanks to the company’s upfront and transparent approach to customer service, the uninitiated can explore FrontPoint’s reputation for themselves.